Very Basic Steps Things Need for Making Money Online

Still now plenty of people don’t know what is the basic steps to start a business online, that is the reason I thought why not I share it and may be it will help plenty of people which can reduce the percentage of failure people.

All this steps are important and need to follow, without this no one can make money online.Making Money Online

You need a Domain

As like your office address and home address you need a domain name like for your online preference and than add website under your domain. This is the first steps to follow for any online business whether you do network marketing or affiliate marketing, this is important.

There are many companies who gives sub domains and you may start business with sub domains but still you don’t control them and they can take your things anytime they want like did with many websites.

You need a Web Hosting

Just buying a domain will not make sense if you don’t buy a hosting and build your website under your domain. That is the reason you need hosting to keep your website files and run that files 24/7 for life.

After purchasing domain, next task is to get DNS code from the hosting providing and give the DNS code to your domain provider so they can understand where is your website files to get permanent linked with your domain.

You Need a Good Keyword Tool

Usually this is the first step for any business online but most common steps is buying the domain and than building the website to start business. Most people who are not affiliate marketer they start with it or most of people who are new in affiliate marketing world than go and buy the domain of their choice.

But experience affiliate marketer start with keyword research for finding good niche. Any way if you have started with buying a domain first that is good cause you have taken the first steps to start a business online and your own online brand.

Why you need Keyword tool, you need to do keyword research without doing keyword research if you start a business than it will be very hard for you. I use wealthy affiliate keyword research tool all the time to find competition of specific keyword so I can understand what to focus on. You can join wealthy affiliate and can even try for 10 days, just to try the keyword research tool.

Use Google Keyword Tool

Google keyword tool is must for every affiliate marketer cause Google hold the majority of traffic online and most of the people are depended on them. One more advice I want to give is sign up with Google Adwords and than do keyword research with Google Keyword Tool.

Need a Autoresponder

You have done above steps and your website is already live online than you need to go for autoresponder so you can collect peoples name and emails for future marketing purpose. This steps is not compulsory but if you have the autoresponder code in your website than it will be great so you can build your own list of targeted people.

The above are very basic steps to start a business online and when you are familiar with it all the time, than you can focus on advance stuffs because you need to build website every single time to increase your level of income. Making money online is easy if you practice every single time.

One Response

  1. long tail pro March 19, 2013

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